Tuesday 23 November 2010

Ox on the run

Oxford university aint what it used to be....blue cheese for gus...chives for relish....beach house in Aquataine...two-year Imperators, gargantuan decline in a song of slop, a final slop song....what next - cocaine in the libraries?  dry days at the top, the dusky apogee....
dog days for mcdooley...the whole mass shanty song mirrored in metered shards of my own soul....my own heart street beat...sauntering
through the gentrifical fugues...unable to outrun the banal tide...
Fat bastards with old yellow masters...recess is the goal of american high schools, why wouldn't it seep onto everywhere else?  are you a mouse or are you emperor...shunting off proper scally schools, makeshifts for the middlebreaths...Breathe cheaper air here....skull and bone crotch...working for me? or working for the ewes ?....irrational hours maketh the man.

Croque to Qwim
moochers on the run...crystal chessboards on sale...boneheads of biloxi...happy hour at the Greased Owl...infantile but mediocre style...all presidents and premiers now inching toward their thirties...new psued class war, watch the middletons scatter either which way...at least Cromwell was man enough to stick his head up...William Cromwell, Olive the Conqueror...one bastard, one patricide.

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